Train Station
Marano Vicentino/ITALY

a thought for dàvid bolf (exercise #1), 2000-2022 | oil painting on reclaimed wood, low energy light, reclaimed iron | 57.5 x 26.5 x 24 cm

a thought for dàvid bolf (exercise #1), 2000-2022 | oil painting on reclaimed wood, low energy light, reclaimed iron | 57.5 x 26.5 x 24 cm

detail: the back of the oil painting

a thought for dàvid bolf (exercise #1), 2000-2022 | oil painting on reclaimed wood, low energy light, reclaimed iron | 57.5 x 26.5 x 24 cm

An exercise, between painting and sculpture. An exercise inspired by the words of Dàvid Bolf, a very young artist from Santorso who recently passed away.
When man interrupts his work on the landscape, nature takes back its spaces, incorporating forms.
This work, brings the forest inside a temporary architecture, sheltering as much as it can the painting inside. This site-specific intervention presents an oil painting on discarded materials that Nero had made in 2000 when he was a student, with which he establishes a temporal dialogue with Dávid Bolf’s research, indulging the thought, perceiving its precariousness, mirroring himself twenty years later.